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Apple draws iOS 8 update subsequent to reports of dropped cellular service

Key Software ServicesNewsApple draws iOS 8 update subsequent to reports of dropped cellular service



Apple draws iOS 8 update subsequent to reports of dropped cellular service

Apple’s newest iPhones dashed into some anomaly on Wednesday after users complained that the latest software update blocked their calls, and a video circulated to propose that the larger of the two new models is susceptible to bending.

Apple said it would discontinue providing the software update, which it began dispensing on Wednesday morning to fix numerous issues in previous week’s iOS 8 operating system for iPhones and iPads.

The declaration to draw the update came after some people complained on Twitter and in Apple user chatrooms that the update, dubbed iOS 8.0.1, rendered their phones incapable to make calls and caused problems with an element that permits people unlock their phones with their fingerprint.

By midday Wednesday, Apple announced that it was exploring the reports and would issue guidance to users “as quickly as we can.” Users are still able to upgrade older phones to last week’s version of iOS 8, which Apple said has by now been downloaded to nearly half of all iOS devices.

A number of tech blogs reported the update only seemed to cause problems for the most recent phone models — the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. It’s not unusual for new software to have bugs that have to be fixed with subsequent releases.

In the meantime, social media sites were active on Wednesday with reports that the aluminum shell of the iPhone 6 Plus is open to to bending. Some Twitter users claimed their phones showed minor curving at one end after several hours in a pants pocket. With a 5.5-inch screen, the iPhone 6 Plus is somewhat longer and thinner than other iPhone models.

It’s not apparent how extensive the complaints are. One YouTube video showed someone bending an iPhone 6 Plus by applying extended pressure with his hands — not from regular sitting.

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